Thursday, May 26, 2016

Male', the capital of Maldives

Male', the capital of Maldives boasts an array of scenic sites that should feature on the itinerary of any visitor. Male contains many prominent mosques and noteworthy museums, with the latter including some artefacts obtained by Thor Heyerdahl when he visited the islands.

The National Museum in Male is one of the tourist attractions in Maldives which is of particular merit, and it is situated on Sultan’s Park, an attraction in itself. The National Museum displays precious memorabilia dating from the days of the Sultanate, including palanquins, thrones, statues and other artifacts.

The Grand Friday Mosque is the most significant place of worship in the Maldives, with its splendid design and lofty proportions drawing a steady stream of visitors. A relic of the 17th century created by Sultan Ibrahim Iskandhar the mosque can accommodate 5,000 persons.

The Esjehi Art Gallery is a storehouse of artistic treasures that is located within the most imposing and venerable buildings in the island nation. Here the visitor will find diverse historical and cultural treasures making a visit an enthralling experience.

For a true taste of the local cultural experience, make it a point to visit the Maldives Fish Market, which in addition to fish offers fresh vegetables, fruits and other produce. The market is an ideal location to observe the fishing activities of the islands, one of its mainstays before the development of tourism.